“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.”
This quote by the Roman philosopher Seneca may explain the interesting mix of vigorous minds in The Florida CFO Group.
The combined professional journeys of our 23 partners span:
- 32 different states in the U.S.
- More than 40 countries
- Six of the seven continents, excluding Antarctica
Because CFOS are wired to be perpetually searching for things that will improve the performance of a business, our travels enlarge our arsenal of performance-improving ideas that we can deploy to help our clients succeed. This arsenal can include strategies, tactics. business practices, software applications, suppliers and experts.
The benefit goes beyond the accumulation of knowledge. There is an intellectual vigor that comes from experience with businesses from other places. The experience of seeing different ways that businesses succeed around the world opens our mind to the realization that there are many ways to solve a problem or develop strategies and best practices.
The rich diversity of perspectives across the Florida CFO Group is a deep pool that helps us all……because our partners love to help each other help their clients.
Business owners that engage a Florida CFO Group partner are tapping into the cumulative wisdom and understanding of this well-traveled group.
Happy Holidays!
Felix Navidad!
Happy Hannukah!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Boxing Day!
Happy Kwansaa!