Maximize the value of your business by developing a strong employer brand

🔥 🚀 Here's another insightful tip about maximizing the value of your business from our panel of experts. Clare PEACE, Vensure Employer Solutions, talks about developing a 💪 strong employer brand and what that means: 😃 Positive culture 🗣 Taking action (not just talk) ✍ Including great benefit plans 🤑 Having competitive wages 👩‍🏫 Implementing a good learning process = 💛 Becoming the "Employer of Choice." 🛠 These are the tools to help you get there. Want more helpful tips like this to grow your organization? Reach out to The Florida CFO Group or DM us here! #hr #cfoinsights #cfoservices #financialinsights Deane Baron Ginger Mentzer, CPA, MBA

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